n°1 – Because it creates more connected, responsive and vibrant cities to live

Transform daily life public objects in smart objects thanks to beacons and develop the interaction between the real world and digital world of the city.

n°2 – Because it’s helping cities deliver improved city services and a better user experiences

Provide connected hyper relevant and interactive experience by leveraging this completely new technology and give the citizen the opportunity to interact through his smartphone with the city and get the data and services he need in the contextual way.

Use case 1 : Notify travelers on next buses at proximity of a bus stop

Use case 2 : inform visually impaired people on the bus arriving at the bus stop

Use case 3 : Alert tourists that he is close to a point of interest – no data or gps required

n°3 – Because beacons network prefigures what ”The Internet of Public Things” should be

Deploy an open infrastructure backbone to engage the developer community and stimulate innovative startups that can interact with public spaces.

n°4 – Because beacons bring continuity and more value to cities mobile strategies

Give more value to city apps WHERE, WHEN people really need it and create new model for connectivity, municipal services and civic engagement to cities around the world.

n°5 – Because it creates value for the cities ecosystem

Value for global and local apps and value for cities that give a new life to public spaces and street furniture. The economic model can be easily self-sustainable for cities and transport authorities in a mid-run period.

Introducing a network of interconnected beacons is not an easy task and requires 3 main ingredients:  the right dedicated tools to easily deploy and manage your network, the right contactless experimented experts and of course, a passion for making more vibrant cities and communities.

Contact us for more information on Connecthings Beacon Hub global platform



The iBeacons are small devices that emit a Bluetooth signal 4.0, also known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), whose range is 50-70 meters. The signal emitted is unique for each device and can be located by bluetooth 4.0 smartphones.

The iBeacons act as a digital lighthouse that can « wake up” smartphones and apps that are listening. The ibeacon is a passive element that does not send any information or transmit content, comparing with NFC tags for example.

For these devices to wake up, you need to have an app installed listening to iBeacon signals. Then, an action is performed in the app, for example display a notification or act given a particular context. Therefore, all the « intelligence » is on the side of the back office to suggest context-based behaviors.

The iBeacons need a power source to operate. Most often, it incorporates a battery that can last up to two years, although there are devices that can be fed continuously through a USB port.
