1 junio 2015 | Barcelona @smartcityhack counts on @connecthings to mentor startup ecosystem

Barcelona Smart City Hack App connects citizens who want to transform the city with application developers and enables to transform creative ideas into apps that will help make Barcelona a Smart City. The challengers can connect to various databases and APIs such as FIWARE, Open Data Barcelona, TMB, BCN Contactless, MasterCard and iCity OpenAPI.

This process will be supported by a group of experts like Connecthings, Telefónica or Mastercard, to help participants develop their project from the initial idea to the final application through a mentoring program.

Barcelona Smart City App Hack is driven by Barcelona City Council with the aim of achieving an open administration, encouraging local entrepreneurship and create added value for its inhabitants.

Portland, Dubai and Helsinki are part of the pioneering cities that will share similar challenges and empower citizens to become app makers and create app solutions for cities of the 21st century.