mobile services

15/01/2013 - MasterCard Transport Ticketing Awards 2013: vote now for *Connecthings !

It’s now time to vote for *Connecthings, shortlisted for the Most Successful Mobile Ticketing Programme Award at the MasterCard Transport Ticketing Awards 2013 !

Voting is quick and easy and will take you less than 2 minutes to complete.
Please click here, and select Connecthings in the “Most successful mobile ticketing programme” category (5).

The deadline for submitting your vote is 18th January.

The winner of each award will be announced live at the Transport Ticketing 2013 on the 30th of January in London to the entire event delegation.

Many thanks for your support!

  • 15 Janvier 2013 — Infos

20/12/2012 - *Connecthings, shortlisted for the MasterCard Transport Ticketing Awards 2013

The MasterCard Transport Ticketing Awards reward the organizations who have been working to build, establish and deploy successful smart ticketing programmes across Europe.

*Connecthings is proud to have been shortlisted for the Most Successful Mobile Ticketing Programme award, honouring the best deployment of NFC as a ticketing technology: its robust, innovative and powerful NFC tag based solution has been selected among a range of international projects using contactless technologies.  Using AdTag platform, transport companies can now ensure to their travelers a seamless contactless journey, from the recovery of travel information and the purchase of tickets at the bus stop to the validation of their ticket on board, both through NFC tags.
The shortlist will soon be open to an international community of transport ticketing senior professionals to vote which nominee should win their category.
The winner of each award, as chosen by the transport ticketing industry, will be announced live at the Transport Ticketing 2013 on the 30th of January in London to the entire event delegation.

  • 20 Décembre 2012 — Infos

10/09/2012 - *Connecthings au NFC World Congress @ Nice les 17,18 et 19 septembre 2012

Acteur incontournable du NFC, *Connecthings sera au NFC World Congress.

Venez nous rendre visite sur notre stand - #61 - et découvrez ainsi nos dernière innovations en termes de services et de solutions mobiles.

Nous pourrons aussi vous présenter les services mobiles que l'équipe *Connecthings a déployés en 2012 et surtout évoquer avec vous les projets à venir dans les mois qui viennent !

Notez que Laetitia Gazel Anthoine, PDG de * Connecthings, interviendra lors de la journée "NFC in Action: Introducing the Full Mobile Connected Life" et développera la vision de *Connecthings lors de sa présentation "Rio ,Barcelona , Strasbourg… : How to accelerate NFC local adoption through Lite NFC services"


  • 10 Septembre 2012 — NFC

13/08/2012 - *Connecthings interviendra lors de la prochaine journée de rencontre du Club NFC à Londres


The NFC Club provides members and guests with a regular opportunity to understand the how, when, where and what of NFC, to learn about the underlying technology and its applications, to hear from leading specialists in related fields, and to network in a pleasant and non-sales environment.

  • Main meeting theme: Payments and Beyond
  • Date: Thursday, 6th September 2012
  • Venue: Sheraton Park Tower Hotel, 101 Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7RN
  • Start time: 9.30am for 10.00am

Download program here


  • 13 Août 2012 — Infos

14/05/2012 - Barcelone, Hambourg, Rio de Janeiro et Londonderry vont déployer des services NFC sur leur territoire

Living Labs Global Awards, Mai 2012, Rio de Janeiro : 4 métropoles sélectionnent Connecthings pour mettre en œuvre sur leur territoire des services mobiles sans contact.

Barcelone, World Mobile Capital 2012-2018, déploiera un service sans contact améliorant l’expérience digitale générale de la ville pour les citadins et visiteurs venus du monde entier.
Hambourg, 2ème plus grand port d’Europe,  proposera un service NFC pour pousser les 270.000 visiteurs embarquant dans des navires de croisières à prendre plus de temps pour explorer la ville.
Rio de Janeiro mettra en œuvre un service en faveur des communautés défavorisées de Rio, parallèlement à la construction du  « Knowledge Square », où les réformes urbaines, technologiques et sociales ne feront qu’une pour favoriser l’accès au monde numérique.
Enfin Derry-Londonderry, Ville de la Culture 2013, proposera un service NFC pour enrichir et diversifier l’expérience de la ville, animant le patrimoine et les atouts touristiques locaux pour les touristes et les citoyens.

Les Living Labs Global Awards, ce sont 21 villes sur les 5 continents comptabilisant plus de 110 millions d’habitants cherchant des solutions innovantes à leurs problèmes d’aujourd’hui, dans des domaines très variés comme la santé, la mobilité, la sécurité, l’éducation, le tourisme, le management urbain et la réduction des émissions de CO2. Chaque ville a retenu 1 projet parmi plus de 700 projets d’entreprises innovantes venues du monde entier.

Laetitia Gazel Anthoine, PDG de Connecthings, se félicite de ces prestigieuses récompenses : "j’ y vois la démonstration que les solutions innovantes de Connecthings apportent les réponses pertinentes aux enjeux spécifiques des villes et me réjouis de mettre en oeuvre notre savoir-faire dans 4 pays, en phase avec nos ambitions de développement international".

Damaris Homo of Connecthings receives 4 Living Labs Global Awards in Rio (Photo by Gunnar Knechtel)


  • 14 Mai 2012 — News

03/05/2012 - Living Labs Global Awards: *Connecthings awarded in 4 of the 20 cities involved in the challenge !

*Connecthings’ team is proud to announce that *Connecthings won 4 awards during the International Summit on Service Innovation in Cities in Rio de Janeiro.

The Living Labs Awards 2012  reward the companies who meet the challenges raised by 20 worldwide cities of providing innovative solutions in areas as diverse as transport, culture and tourism. Before the summit in Rio, during a first phase each city has selected 5 companies, out of 700 proposals, that are likely to fulfill its expectations accurately. During a second phase, these 5 pre-selected companies had to handle some specifications about the solution provided.

And finally, *Connecthings’ project had been chosen  in Barcelona (SP), Londonderry (UK), Rio de Janeiro (BR) and Hamburg (GE) and these projects will now have to be set up within one year.

See all the awarded companies here.


  • 3 Mai 2012 — News

29/03/2012 - Connecthings nominated to the Contactless & Mobile Awards

Connecthings is proud to have been shortlisted in two categories for the Contactless & Mobile Awards: this challenge launched by Contactless Intelligence rewards the best mobile contactless and NFC services and uses developed and set up by companies, in ten categories.

Connecthings had submitted two showcases, and both have been selected:

  • The smart mailbox implementation (“Mobulles Paris”), consisting in the deployment of NFC tags and QR Codes on 50 smart mailboxes in the centre of Paris giving access to real-time and contextualized  information of different kinds: postal information and services of course, but also transport information and local news and events. This showcase is running for the Public Domain Award.
  • The large-scale deployment of contactless/NFC mobile services, through the implementation of more than 25,000 NFC tags and QR Codes powered by Connecthings in the UK, France and Spain, and durably deployed in the cities, in the functional and diverse areas of Transport and Mobility, Cultural and Touristic heritage, and Street life. Connecthings has been recognized for its expertise in creating NFC eco-systems that make cities smarter and improve people’s mobility. These citywide projects are shortlisted for the Contactless / NFC Eco-System Award.

The ceremony will take place in London in April, 26th, after one day of conferences and working groups organized by Contactless Intelligence, where a lot of companies concerned about the NFC technology will be present. Connecthings will be the chairman of one of the working groups dedicated to DIY tagging systems. The winner of each category will be announced by a jury composed of professionals of different areas (Transport, bank, retail…), with specific expectations of the NFC and contactless services developed by the companies.
Connecthings is pleased to see that the NFC and contactless mobile technologies embrace more than ever all the areas, and is strongly motivated for carrying on implementing contactless/NFC  mobile services that  improve people’s experiences in the cities.

  • 29 Mars 2012 — News

29/03/2012 - *Connecthings @ the Digital Shoreditch Festival 2012? One week left to vote for us

Votes for allowing Connecthings to participate in the Digital Shoreditch Festival 2012 are still open, until the 5th of April.

As a reminder, this festival celebrates the latest innovative and creative companies in London.

To give Connecthings a chance of presenting its session about contactless technologies, simply have a look to its proposal page, and…vote for it!

Go there =>

Those who vote will get priority access to limited free tickets, irrespective of the outcome.

Hope to see you at the Digital Shoreditch Festival!

  • 29 Mars 2012 — News

06/03/2012 - *Connecthing nominé au Living Labs Global Awards 2012

Les Livings Labs Global Awards 2012 récompensent les entreprises capables de relever les défis lancés par une vingtaine de villes du monde entier en apportant des solutions innovantes dans des domaines aussi variés que le transport, le tourisme ou la culture.

A l’issue de cette première phase, chaque ville a retenu 5 entreprises, parmi 700 propositions, susceptibles de répondre précisément à ses attentes. *Connecthings a eu l’honneur d’être sélectionné par 4 d’entre elles : Barcelone, Londonderry, Rio de Janeiro, et Hambourg.

La deuxième phase se termine le 15 avril, date jusqu’à laquelle les entreprise pré-sélectionnées peuvent soumettre des spécifications sur la solution apportée.

L’entreprise gagnante pour chacune des villes sera déclarée en mai, lors du Sommet International de l’Innovation des services aux villes, à Rio de Janeiro, et son projet réalisé dans l’année !

  • 6 Mars 2012 — News
